Welcome to the IDCC Blog. Random thoughts and occasional news from your friendly neighborhood t-shirt designers...



Glory, glory, Hallelujah…welcome to the future.

January 4, 2011

I love Brad Paisley, not just because I'm from Nashville, but because the dude just rocks.  If you haven’t heard his song Welcome to the Future, you need to. I don’t care if you like country or not, it has a universal message that transcends musical genres.  I hope each of you had a wonderful 2010 and as we move into a new year, I hope all of you are blessed in a very special way. I design t-shirts because it is fun.  I hope you like what you're doing.  Thanks for a great year and help us spread the word in 2011. And if you know Brad, tell him we have a free T waiting for him. Give us a call Brad. Seriously.


Listen to Welcome to the Future:







Yola Hacked!!! ...IDCC Back Online.

September 28, 2010
So a few days ago, I got an email from our site host, Yola, letting us know that they were hacked.  As a result, we were offline for a few days. The good news is the world did not come to an end.  For a long time we were afraid that if IDCC ever did go offline, society as we know it would just come to a screeching halt. But it didn't, so good for us and good for the world.  Even so, a world without us would be decidedly not as good and now that we are back up and running, I think we can all a...
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Avoid the Black Friday Madness: Shop from Home!!!

November 26, 2009

We hope all of you are having a happy and wonderful Thanksgiving, enjoying parades, good food, and time with friends and family.  As the holiday shopping season madness starts tomorrow, we wanted to give you a couple of options to avoid the crazy roadraged shoppers and stampedes at your local mall.  Our Printfection shop is offering up to 25% off on Black Friday.  Just enter promo code SAVE25 at checkout on any order of $25 or more and save!  Our Spreadshirt shop has an ongoing free shippin...

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New Website Finished!!!

August 4, 2009
Wow, this looks a lot like the previous post and it is with one minor difference (not including the extra exclamation marks)...the new Intelligent Design Clothing Company website is online!  For those of you who are just finding us, we started a little over a year ago with our Printfection storefront.  It has served us well and is actually still very much at the heart of what we do, but we needed something a little bigger.  

In the last few months we have expanded our operations and now off...
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New Website Almost Finished

July 29, 2009
We've been working hard over the summer to update our website.  We wanted be more user friendly and offer you more options to get your IDCC gear.  We are nearing completion of the new website and hope to unveil it soon.  Spread the Word-

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IDCC Facebook Group Welcomes First 200 members!

July 27, 2009
The Intelligent Design Clothing Company group on Facebook just went over 200 members!  If you are on Facebook, look us up and join.  This is a small milestone in our growth, but this is a number we hope to eclipse soon. To those of you who have joined us so far, we thank you for being a part of our birth on Facebook.  Thank you for your support. Spread the Word-


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IDCC Celebrates Our First Birthday

June 2, 2009
Intelligent Design Clothing Company celebrated our first year in business with the launch of our new, improved website. New designs, more options for shopping, blogs, an links to stuff we like.  Thanks for helping us get our feet off the ground. We look forward to even bigger and better things as we continue to make our transformation into the most complete, one stop, meet all your needs for all things clothing on the world wide web.  Spread the Word-
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